Thursday, February 3, 2011

Classes are getting in the way of my vacation in Italy..

This week classes have been interesting. I have two art history classes that require alot of reading, a photojournalism class that will be fun and very time consuming, and a beginner italian class which is actually one of my favorite classes right now. I was taking a Nude drawing class as of this morning, but just came back to the apartmento from dropping it. This morning I got lost on my way to this drawing class. I had stopped THREE different times asking for directions. Finally arrived to this class 10 minutes late. For those of you who know me, you know I HATE being late, (thanks to being late to kindergarden every day and getting the red marker in my folder). Definitely has scarred me for life, thanks Mom. Anyways had to knock on the class door to make sure a nude model wasnt present yet. Thank goodness she still had her robe on. As soon as I got there we had to take a test and draw her with any choice of medium. I was terrified. I have never had any fundamental drawing of the human figure. I've only had practice with drawing still life. She dropped the robe. I attempted to draw her. It wasn't bad, but it wasnt as good as anyone else's work. The professor told me at the end of the class I would have alot of work to do to catch up with the rest of the class. I was already terribly embarrased and ashamed that I couldn't draw a naked older woman to the level of everyone else. I told her straight up I was going to drop it before she told me I should because I suck. Haha. No big deal, I think I will be able to go through life without having the skill of drawing naked people and their body proportions.

So in place of that class I signed up for a Italian Cuisine: History and Practice. This is something I should be good at and my family will appreciate/ future husband. Haha The ability to cook a good meal is more important than drawing the human species in the nude (just my opinion, I'm still trying to make myself feel better).  Just glad that experience is over. Live and Learn.

All my classes have visit fees for local museums and day trips. It's getting to be pricey, which I'm worrying about but Frannie and my parents keep telling me not to worry about it. I'm going to be washing dishes at Via Real for the next five years when I get back to pay back my debt. Hope Frannie is reading.

This weekend we will finally be able to climb the steps of the Duomo, see the David and hike to the Piaza Micheangelo. Oh and homework. The next weekend we will most likely travel somewhere close, probably Pisa or Bologna. Train tickets are around 5 Euro, so those will be great trips and not to mention inexpensive! The next weekend is one of the already paid trips to Sienna with TCU, then the weekend after that is a group outing to Venice for a day for Carnivale. Pretty excited for that! Then hopefully the weekend after that we will visit Prague for the weekend for a good price.  Lots of sausage and beer! Haha yes I will try beer while were there.
Hope everyone is staying warm and driving safe/not driving. Miss everyone! Please stay in touch. More pictures to come :)



  1. phew, was worried you might bring home a nunch of nudie pics for us all to look at. good thing, now you can just make us the most delicious and delectable meals we have ever placed on our pallet.
    Still miss ya, hope you are enjoying this whole new country we can only hear about!

  2. I thought classes were supposed to be easy when studying abroad so you have time to see all the awesome stuff in the country? It sounds like yours are pretty busy. I'm sorry your nude drawing class was a bust :( but Hey, naked people would get boring to draw every class anyways! And when are you ever going to need to bust out your skill of nude drawing. That would be kind of awkward to offer that skill to Skype with ya soon, hopefully :)
